Cybersecurity Strategy

How secure is your company?

Meet with James

Identify business threats

Conduct an extensive analysis of your operational systems, cloud tenants and network architecture to identify potential IT vulnerabilities. Measure the probability of a security breach on these systems and the impact on the organisation in the event that a vulnerability is successfully exploited.

  • per day

    Average cyber incidents in 2021.

  • %

    Organisations do not have an active strategy.

  • +

    Businesses affected in a single year.

Protect your company

Establish new controls to ensure risk factors are best mitigated to suit business requirements. Confirm critical processes that the organisation must protect to ensure its continuity. Determine a remediation plan in the event of a major breach.

Key reasons for defining a plan

Why do I need a cybersecurity strategy?

  • Identify vulnerabilities

    Scan your network & infrastructure for security gaps.

  • Mitigate risk

    Identify overall risk posture and how best to reduce.

  • Be prepared

    Define new policies to prepare for future attacks.

  • Optimise operations

    Ensure business continuity with adapted solutions.

  • Enforce awareness

    Provide important knowledge & tools to your staff.

  • Test efficiency

    Review the strength of your cybersecurity strategy.

Identity & Access Management

Protect systems, networks & applications with optimal account levels.

Build your resilience

After identifying your organisation’s critical assets and the inherent vulnerabilities which could cause business standstill, our experts will help build a strategy to both efficiently mitigate risks and correctly respond to threats.

Risk Management

Determine best controls.

Vulnerability Management

Assess & scan your network.

Security Awareness

Implement efficient training.

Disaster Recovery

Plan your response.

Let’s discuss your

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